for some reason, my walking pace varies when i wear the various types of footwear. for example, i'd walk very much faster when i mean my dunlop sneakers as compared to when i have my Esprit/Zu thongs/slippers/ sandals, which i am pretty sure the pace has been pretty leisurely.
on the other hand i am quite some positive that my pace would fall somewhere in between those two when i have made my hand made leather shoes on.
how would i know that?that difference was noticed when i walked from home, Block 217 to the bus stop near the neighbourhood market. with my sneakers, by the time i reached the bus stop, i tend to have perspired more.
perhaps it was the comfort and mobility those sneakers provide. you see, i dont like my footsteps to be heard whenever i walk. .so if i walk very very fast (on my slippers), i am positive that i would be heard. therefore, strolling through the walkways seemedd like a logical soption; glide through from point A to B.
however with that said, i must admit, i have ignored several contributing factors such as whether. we all know humidity and fashion wear is a factor. for instance, if the day seem less humid. i suppose i'd perspire less. the wearing of socks would also be an influential factor. the reason being, the body temperature is raised a notch whenever a person covers his/her feet.
well, the point is, apart from boredom and narcissm, i am still trying to get used to the humidity. (and i'd better get used to it soon!) especially due to the eventual end of the monsoon rain and coming dry season.
Finger Acrobatics Performed
On Tuesday, August 08, 2006 at 11:29 pm.
Skip It and Leave Some!