i wrote this to friend yesterday...
'i only remember the pain... sad to say. i try to conjure up some happiness but the surroundings and environment are not permitting... maybe i am blocking them subconciously. but i am not depressed or anything like that. it is just that i think i can be happier, and i know i am capable of being happier, which is sad.
ah well. i've had a long thought actually and the thing is, it is up to me to make new happy memories. that is the good things actually. what is in the past shall remain there. hopefully in time, the emotional attachment will cease to exist. they would be nothing but mere pictures on a postcard.
i see a silver lining.
to a new beginning...
Finger Acrobatics Performed
On Sunday, July 23, 2006 at 3:02 am.
Skip It and Leave Some!