its funny... things never change...
last night, i was watching a programme on channel 9 called the Pope, Prime Minister and something something... its a very interesting one...
what happens is that the host invited a couple of real people, like politicians Kim Beazley and Dr Mahathir, put them in a totally invented situations but with a reality feel with it and they supposed to react accordingly if let's say, Kim Beazley was the Prime Minister of Australia or Dr Mahathir (i am so sorry, i can remember only the two of them)were the leader of Nowherena... i remember there was a pastor, a former chief of police for NSW, the Head for the Islamic Council of New South Wales, the Health Minister...
well its all talk... not as riveting as 10's latest drama by Tony and Ridley Scott, Numbers but it did gripped my balls... it even stirred a few dormant emotions... almost forgotten that the situations were totally made up...
this is what stirred me...
when the host asked the Chief Justice if she would let an Australian be sentenced to death or whipped because of a drug offence... she answered boldly,'it is inhumane to be whipped or canned.' or at last that was what i thought she said...
in any case, she went on to say that she would oppose any 'inhumane treatment'of australian subjects...
sounds familiar? i thought colonisation is over... well ladies and gentleman of the jury, looks like it isnt... the matter of fact is, countries like Australia, United Kingdom, the US still has that colonial masters perception... that the rest of the world is still evolving (scientifically 'proven' by Darwinism, which was also the excuse for slavery) ... they arent developed yet...
back to the Chief Justice, my problem is, what happened to autonomy of the legal justice of the other? the counter claim is always, the other country is a corruptible system... hmmm i wonder... well, if she were referring to Indonesia's legal system, it means she is saying that the legal system is inept and on top of that the people manning the legal system are inept too... much like when SBS's Dateline covered the story on the trial who bombed the Australian Embassy (what actually happened was that they bombed the hotel NEXT to the Embassy)...
the thing is that, what she is also saying is that the western judiciary system is inept too... why and how is that we may ask? its because Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapores'justice system had been adopted by their former Dutch and British colonial masters... which is basically still what they are still practicing now... and you say its inhumane? well my dear chief justice but the lawys were inherited ... and just because You say it is inhumane, it is inhumane... we also have a right to our opinions... does it mean our opinions do not count... o yeah we are monkeys, what do WE KNOW...
like i said... things never change...
o yeah, it was an interesting programme too... did i say that?